What is this?

The corpus callosum is a large collection of nerve fibres, situated within the brain, connecting the two cerebral hemispheres to each other. It plays an integral role in the complex interplay between these sides, allowing the rapid and efficient communication of information, forming an essential bridge between thought and emotion, imagination and action. Without the corpus callosum, the brain's neural networks and their disparate actions would be comparably isolated, making full integration between the hemispheres impossible and constraining the potential of the entire neurological system.

See also: right hemisphere, left hemisphere, brain damage, split brain

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Iain McGilchrist, Rupert Sheldrake and Alex Gomez-Marin in conversation 8,623

Iain McGilchrist in Dialogue at the PCC Forum 4,584

Dr Iain McGilchrist - Understanding the human brain 3,845

Dr Iain McGilchrist - Brain Hemispheres, The Sacred & Divine, Meaning & More 3,398

The Divided Brain and the Sense of the Sacred with Iain McGilchrist 2,750

Parts and Whole, Science and Intuition, Left Brain and Right Brain with Dr. Iain McGilchrist 2,257

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